North Korea celebrates 65 years since the end of the war


Surrounded by foggy hills, North Korean soldiers, sailors and civilians gathered Friday in a heroes 'cemetery to pay tribute to their brothers' arms on the occasion of the day. anniversary of the end of the Korean War

Read more: A plane flies to North Korea for the remains of prisoners of war

Hostilities ended 65 years ago with a armistice between United Nations forces led by the United States and the United States. North Koreans and their Chinese allies. There was no peace treaty, so the peninsula technically remained at war .

Photo: AFP

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The war began in 1950 and the fighting lasted until 1953 to return to the situation inherited from the end of the World War II with The peninsula is divided by the parallel 38. About two million people died, civil and military, and the peninsula ended in ruins.

The North, at the end of hostilities, declared victory and the war was used by the Kim Dynasty for

The platoons of the different military units formed in this cemetery on the outskirts of Pyongyang dominated by the giant statue of a rifle and a bayonet decorated with the medal of the Heroes of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea official name of the country.

Photo: AFP

They placed funeral wreaths at the foot of a granite coffin, decorated with a metal flag, a machine gun and a kepi

A Sung Voice: Let's Go to prostrate ourselves before the martyrs who participated in the Great Mother's Liberation War, the homeland, the name given by the North Korean government to the conflict.

The first to be buried in the cemetery fell into battle at only 22 years old, and it was Jang Thae Hwa who blocked the entrance to a small fortification with his chest six days later from the 39, invasion of the South by the North in 1950 to allow his unit to advance, according to the official report

Chronological order

Photo: AFP

The last soldier to die in combat was Ri Hyon Jun, a 20-year-old gunner who became a DPRK hero for shooting down four enemy aircraft and who died five days before the end of hostilities.

the soldiers crossed the cemetery, where the graves are arranged in chronological order.

At the same time, on the other side of the country, an American plane loaded in their cellars the mortal remains of 55 American soldiers killed during the war, to repatriate them.

Photo: AFP

The relations between North Korea, with nuclear weapons, and the United States have seen a surprising turn in recent months.

In 2017, the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and the US president exchange insults. threat. On June 12, the two met in Singapore to shake hands.

The return of the remains of the soldiers is part of the sealed agreement on this occasion.

On the other hand, the eventual resignation of the North towards him. Atomic arsenal, for which he was the subject of several sets of UN sanctions

"Strict victory".

Photo: AP

In Singapore, Kim is committed to working for the denuclearization of the peninsula imprecise formulation subject to various interpretations

North Korea has not made any action confirmed and denounced the demands The United States "unilateral" and their "gangster methods".

But the North wants to develop its economy and the authorities want the current climate of relaxation to continue

Contrary to the usual, AFP was not allowed to speak to those present at Cemetery or witness the laying of a crown on Mansu Hill, where are the statues of the founder of North Korea, Kim Il Sung, and his son and successor, Kim Jong Il.

Senior diplomats in Pyongyang explain that it is even more difficult to make an appointment with a manager than in the past.

Photo: AFP

Propaganda posters focus on the heroism of North Korean fighters instead of enemy convictions.

At a national conference of veterans, Choe Ryong Hae, member of the Politburo presidency, stressed Thursday "The stunning victory of the military idea influenced by the Juche (ideology of the regime), as well as the outstanding strategy, tactics and art of Commander Kim Il Sung. "

Last year, the official press referred to the "US imperialist aggressors", and assured that the North would triumph without pain

On July 28, 2017, North Korea launched its second Hwasong-14 , an intercontinental ballistic missile.

In this note:

  • ] Korean War
  • Celebrating the Anniversary
  • North Korea
  • End of the War
  • Kim Jong Un

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