North Korea threatens to reactivate nuclear program


Seoul North Korea warned on Friday that it could reactivate a state policy aimed at strengthening its nuclear arsenal if the US did not lift economic sanctions against the sealed nation, El Universal reported.

The statement by the North Korean Foreign Ministry intervened in a climate of discomfort between Washington and Seoul over the use of sanctions and pressure for North Korea to abandon its nuclear program.

Pyongyang could regain its "pyongjin" policy, which involves both advancing its nuclear force and economic development if the United States does not change its position, the statement said.

North Korea has not threatened to abandon negotiations with the United States, but has accused Washington of derailing the commitments made by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump at its June summit in Singapore. . The two leaders said they would work for a Korean peninsula without nuclear weapons, but they did not describe how and when that would happen.

In an interview with Fox News moderator Sean Hannity, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he planned to meet with his North Korean counterpart the next week, apparently referring to the head Kim Yong-chol. Pompeo did not reveal the venue or date of the meeting, which could help convince Pyongyang to take firm action in favor of denuclearization and set a second summit between Trump and Kim.

The North Korean statement, released on behalf of the director of the Institute of American Foreign Studies, noted that "improved relations and sanctions are inconsistent".

"The United States believes that their repeated" sanctions and pressures "lead to" denuclearization. "We can not help but laugh at this silly idea." The ministry described the end of the sanctions as the action corresponding to "proactive and goodwill measures" in North Korea, with apparent reference to the unilateral suspension of nuclear and intercontinental nuclear tests and the closure of A site of nuclear tests.

After a series of nuclear and provocative tests last year, Kim opted for diplomacy when he met with Trump at the three summits he held with South Korean President Moon Jae-in, who lobbied to reinvigorate diplomacy. nuclear power among the countries.

However, since the meeting in Singapore, North Korea has been insisting that the White House must lift sanctions before the nuclear talks progress, fueling doubts about Kim Jong-un's ability to get rid of all his arsenal. this could be your best guarantee of survival.

Friday's announcement was the first time that Pyongyang said it could resume its weapons tests and other development activities since Kim Jong-un's announcement of his state's new policy in April.

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