Nutritious foods to lose weight


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), overweight and obesity are defined as an abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat that poses a health risk.

Overweight and obesity are diseases of multifactorial origin, hence the need for a multidisciplinary approach to their treatment.

In this sense, one of the basic recommendations is the daily consumption of fruits and vegetables because it is in this group of foods that are found essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fibers, water and carbohydrates.

At present, the Mexican population consumes little fiber. It is therefore fundamental to include fruits and vegetables in the daily food program.

One of the great benefits of choosing seasonal fruits and vegetables is that their price is lower and that they provide the nutrients needed to prevent disease and improve nutritional status.

Foods to lose weight in autumn not to be missed in your meals

In this sense, replacing high-calorie and nutrient-rich desserts with fruits and vegetables has great benefits, for example: you'll have energy, you'll meet your daily need for fiber, and you'll control your weight better. .

This substitution can result in weight loss if it fits into a balanced and personalized diet plan.

Therefore, we present the 5 foods to lose weight in a healthy way.

They are nutritious, economical and with reduced caloric intake options:

1. apple Apples provide mainly fiber, antioxidants and vitamin C. You can include them not only as a dessert, but also in preparations such as salads, drinks and smoothies.

2. Fig. This fruit provides mainly minerals such as calcium and potassium that improve the health of bones and muscles with few calories.

3. Brussels sprouts C is a seasonal vegetable belonging to the same family of broccoli and cabbage.

It provides vitamin C, fiber, potassium, manganese and vitamin B.

4. Pumpkin It provides mainly beta-carotene, antioxidant substances offering various health benefits. They also contain vitamins A, B and C that strengthen the immune system.

5. Betelab They are low in calories and, according to the Journal of Human Hypertension, they can also reduce blood pressure and inflammation; it is suggested to consume them raw.

Do not forget that to get a safe and effective weight loss, it is necessary to have a balanced diet including foods such as the previous ones in sufficient quantities.

Finally, the integration of daily physical activity will improve the results.

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