Oaxaca records more than $ 200 million in remittances


Only from January to September, Oaxaca received $ 270 million in remittances, which keep it in the fifth state of the country where the funds are most used, after Michoacán, Jalisco, Guanajuato and the State of Mexico.

According to the records of the Bank of Mexico, the entity of Oaxaca received between July and September an amount of $ 427 million, which is added to the 843.3 million already received from January to June.

The latter record showed an increase in remittances sent by migrants living in the United States, with benefits in the different regions of the state, particularly in the regions of Mixteca, Central Valleys, Sierra Norte and Sierra Sur.

According to the latest deposits, remittances this year 2018 could well exceed 2017, while it stood at $ 1,463.9 million, surpassing that of 2016 that had captured $ 1,424 million. # 39; euros.

According to national authorities, migrant family members often use the resources they receive, in education and clothing, among other food and construction expenses.

In the country, according to the Bank of Mexico, remittances rose in September to $ 2 709 million, the highest figure recorded since the previous month.

"In the first nine months of 2018, total accumulated remittances increased by 10.8 percent annually to $ 24.677 million."

It is expected that fundraising will be maintained in the same way in the entity for the benefit of migrant families and the economy of Oaxaca.

The Bank of Mexico will publish until January 2019 the amount of remittances received during the 12 months of 2018, where an increase is expected compared to previous years.

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