Obama, the United States asks migrants not to enter illegally, according to the former Chancellor of Guatemala


Fernando Carrera, former Chancellor of Guatemala, spoke to "Strictly Personal & # 39; of Vice President of the United States Mike Pence who held a meeting with Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales, where he addressed the crisis of immigration and the separation of migrant families in the United States

Interviewed by Raymundo Riva Palacio Fernando Carrera said that Mike Pence asked Central Americans not to emigrate illegally to the United States. The former Chancellor of Guatemala said that the message of Pence is the hardening of a speech that was given by the administration of Barack Obama.

The speech not to come to the United States has been practiced by President Obama and his officials since 2013 and I, as Chancellor, have repeatedly asked families not to send their children in this country.

Fernando Carrera explained that the problem of migration comes from people who voluntarily move to the United States. "For some kind of internal motivation, be it poverty and violence, people move to the United States, but these factors can be stopped one way or the other."

The former Chancellor of Guatemala added 2013 is a phenomenon that must be linked to the reintegration of separated families for many years.

Families began to see very little because there were very repressive policies to return to Central American territory, so families who were separated were looking to take minors to the United States. "

Fernando Carrera commented that the phenomenon of minors traveling alone to the southern border of the United States began in 2013.

" Mexico experienced the phenomenon of migration of minors to the United States between 1998 and 2007, Central America began in 2013 and since then, there are more families moving to the United States to be together

The former Chancellor of Guatemala said the government of United States does not support children entering the United States to join their family.

Now the Trump administration is separating children from their parents Instead of looking to reunite families in this country. "

Migration has structural factors that are not under the full control of governments," to avoid other migratory flows, short-term measures must be taken. "19659005] You may be interested: After having separated them in the United States, migrant parents do not know where their children are

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