Obesity, an epidemic – El Diario de Yucatán


A hospital offers a plan to fight it

CITY OF MEXICO (El Universal) .- Carnitas, barbecues, sopes and fried potatoes are foods that Sara Baños and Isabel Mellado have eliminated from their homes. diet with the intention of lowering weight, the two have chosen the National Homeopathic Hospital (HNH) to treat their obesity and have managed to lose respectively four and eight kilos.

It is estimated that about 60 million people live with obesity in Mexico, a condition that can cause diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. For this reason, the HNH has launched the program of comprehensive management of patients with overweight or obesity, in which patients are treated in a multidisciplinary manner.

Arturo Benítez Trejo, director of this medical unit, explains that an assessment is made of the patient to see if in addition to their obesity has concomitant conditions, such as diabetes or hypertension, so that 39; establish a diet based on the age, weight and physical characteristics of the person.

"They can be treated with homeopathic therapy or they are supported by nutritional control, in addition to being able to perform various physical activities in the facilities."

Sara is delighted to remember that she arrived at this hospital weighing 74 kilograms, even though in one year and five months she only lowered four kilos feels proud because it was based on the diet and Exercise. "The key to treatment is to love oneself," he says.

Sara arrived at the hospital located on Chimalpopoca Street, in central Mexico City

"I took care of myself and I already discovered the exercises, since I feel very comfortable."

At age 76, he was encouraged to perform a physical activation because he was suffering from sciatica and before having a bad, functioning well.In order to lose weight, she followed a nutritional treatment, co where she practices exercises and referrals with doctors.

With regard to exercise, she attends classes and insists that she loves them very much. aggressive for me. "

David Rey Castillo García, deputy director of the National Homeopathic Hospital, says that the success of this program is that it is a job that accompanies patients all the way and helps them improve their habits

"Obesity is an epidemic that mainly affects countries like ours and the idea is to go precisely to the root of the problem, which is the evolution of the modes of life. All that is needed to combat this disease, whether it is medical, alternative or surgical treatments, will fail if the lifestyles do not change. This is the part that is promoted to the hospital. "

Isabel Mellado became patient in this hospital because in 2016 she suffered an injury to a vertebra and to avoid complications the doctors told her that she should lose weight." D & # 39; 39; first I had a depression 24 years ago and there I started to gain weight, when I decided to come to Homeopathic, I weighed 78 kilos, it was in October. "The eight kilograms dropped represent an achievement that also allowed him to observe changes in his health.

Ensures that fattening is not just done with the food but with other reasons like stress at work, family and everyday life, that's why she feels grateful for the treatment that she has found in the HNH. " I became a very positive person. "Although Isabel did not receive a homeopathic remedy, she recommended hospi treatment. talier because "many doctors treat you and choose what suits you best"; He assured that there are no treatments or miracle drugs because "losing weight is not achieved overnight, it implies commitment." In this sense, Castillo García reiterated that patients must change their lifestyle to achieve their goal of achieving ideal weight. Porfirio Díaz, homeopathic patient. The National Homeopathic Hospital was built 116 years ago, under the government of Porfirio Diaz. "Diaz was the most diligent patient of homeopathy, he created the hospital with the intention of taking care of the population," said the director of this medical unit, Arturo Benítez.

The Institution

The HNH is a federal second-level hospital, which has four specialties which are Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, General Surgery and Gynecology; as an aggregate, he pays attention to homeopathic therapeutics.

No matter who can approach looking for medical care; the consultation has a cost of 87 pesos. What strikes the most is people with upper respiratory diseases, infections such as allergic rhinitis, diabetes, obesity, hypertension and asthma.

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