Obesity and overweight in children: the responsibility lies with adults | Chronic


By Gabriel Arias

[email protected]

Obesity and overweight among children is one of the problems afflicting the world for adults and children, and this number is increasing alarmingly. These are epidemics in which only 30% of the children of our country live in our country. School age is affected and 6% suffer from obesity. And its consequences are terrible because they can lead to chronic noncommunicable diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension or cardiovascular diseases.

For this reason, the doctor
Victoria Falcon (pediatrician and M.N. 140452) recommended:
"It is important to encourage the development of a healthy lifestyle based on a healthy diet accompanied by physical activity." With regard to food, children's habits are far from being recommended, since only 17.6% of children and girls aged 13 to 15 consume 5 daily servings of fruits and vegetables, and half of the population of this age consumes 2 or more sugary drinks a day.Childhood is the best time to convey to children the habits that will help to be healthy adults ".

Food advice

When it comes to food, some things can help kids, such as:

Prioritize homemade food: Processed foods are presented as attractive products for children from attractive packaging and marketing strategies. The flavor is obtained with great additions of salt, sugar and fat in food, stimulants of the human palate. Many times, sugar is not part of the ingredients, but if you look for others, they come in the form of corn syrup, dextrose and glucose. The base product to be processed loses much of its nutrients, which is offset by colorants, flavor enhancers, preservatives, vitamins and synthetic nutrients. Thus, it can be advertised as rich in calcium and vitamins and the durability of the product is achieved at the expense of its quality. When you buy food, you have to read the ingredient labels and bring in those that contain the least amount of additives. The homemade food is superior, especially because during preparation, there is a register of ingredients and raw materials used, moderating the use of salt, sugar and fat in the food consumed.

Increase water consumption: Juices and soft drinks are high-sugar drinks, even those containing sweeteners that, when consumed in greater quantities than suggested, can have long-term adverse effects. If you take the thirst, the child at the end of the day will have consumed more sugar or sweetener than it was recommended. Drinking a juice from time to time can be considered healthy for its vitamin intake. However, the best way to take advantage of the benefits of the fruits is to eat them whole, even if you have to favor the water, which is the liquid that moisturizes everyone best.

Assemble balanced plates: Ingesting one type of food, one type of vegetable or fruit or one type of meat limits the intake of nutrients. Each food provides a different type and amount of vitamins, antioxidants, and amino acids. The more varied the diet, the greater the diversity and density of nutrients we incorporate. As for the portions, the main thing is to adjust the quantities and to respect the fullness of the child, to avoid eating without hunger and to incorporate the concept of moderation.

Moderation: there is no forbidden food because, in moderation, everything can be consumed. An occasional candy, juice or chocolate at the child will not change his or her healthy habits in the long run. You can taste some of these casual tastes at home, this will ensure that children do not despair for sodas, juices, snacks, treats on birthdays or parties.

More physical activity

However, these eating habits must be accompanied by physical activity, as the National Council of Physical Activity and Health of the Ministry of Health confirmed that 83% of Argentinean adolescents are not sufficiently active. Therefore, physical activities are recommended depending on the age of the child.

Under 6 years: Free play time is the equivalent of physical activity, ideally outside on squares and parks.

Children from 6 to 12 years old: It's time for sport initiation in a relaxed setting, as the activities must be fun and enjoyable, not necessarily a formal exercise program. Adjusting the stimuli with a game method will allow you to keep the activity longer and to perform more exercises without feeling tired. This is a step in which you must work to acquire and improve motor skills and coordination. It is therefore recommended to try different sports (without competition) to acquire different skills.

Children from 10 to 12 years old: competitive sport can be initiated in a context adapted to the age and the physical condition of the child. Group activities are very enjoyable at this stage, facilitating membership.


While we were talking about some tips when eating, what to eat from time to time, how much and how much priority is given to home-made food compared to "outside," there is another key point for improve the quality of life of a consumer. boy and you have to know which foods are recommended for them.

A) Half of the surface of the dish should be covered with vegetables, preferably raw, but be eaten cooked, sautéed, with a white sauce or scrambled.

B) A quarter plate is assigned to the accompanying protein, which can be beef, chicken, pork, fish or an egg, another option is made up of proteins of plant origin such quinoa, legumes and soy derivatives.

C) The fourth remaining dish is a complex hydrate, such as brown rice, legumes, sweet potatoes, potatoes or pasta.

D) Finally, add a source of fat such as vegetable oil, avocado, nuts or olives.

E) At breakfast and afternoon tea, you can eat a toast, homemade cookies or unsweetened cereals, accompanied by yogurt, cheese or egg and a fruit.

Keys to better understand

1) In our country, 30% of school-aged children are overweight and 6% are obese.

2) Its consequences are serious because they can lead to chronic noncommunicable diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension or cardiovascular disease.

3) Only 17.6% of boys aged 13 to 15 consume 5 daily servings of fruits and vegetables.

4) It is recommended to prioritize homemade foods, to increase water consumption, to assemble balanced dishes and moderate foods.

5) Physical activity should accompany good nutrition, although children should be checked by a doctor before starting a sport.

6) 83% of Argentinian adolescents are not sufficiently active.

7) The recommended diet is vegetables, fruits, legumes, chicken, beef, pork or fish, carbohydrates and a source of fat.

8) Adults have the responsibility to accompany a child by instilling good habits.

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