Obesity and type 2 diabetes cure with gene therapy


  Cure, Scientists, UAB, Obesity, Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, Gene Therapy, FGF21, AAV, Weight, Insulin Resistance, Aging, Mice, Overweight, Health, Tissue, Adipose tissue, Therapy, Hormone, Animal, Efficacy, Safety, Injection, Application,

AAV is a hormone naturally secreted by several organs that acts in many tissues to regulate energy functioning. Image taken from Twitter: @UABBarcelona


A team of researchers from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) reported to have successfully cured in mice obesity and type 2 diabetes through gene therapy .

With the introduction of a single injection of an adeno-associated viral vector (AAV) that carries the FGF21 (Fibroblast Growth Factor 21) gene for genetic manipulation liver adipose tissue or skeletal muscle, the animal continuously produces FGF21 protein

It is a hormone secreted from natural form ] by several organs that act in many tissues to regulate the proper functioning at the energy level; therefore, by inducing its production by gene therapy, the animal reduced its weight and also insulin resistance which causes the development of type 2 diabetes " explain the academics.

In a statement, the UAB indicated that in the case of obesity, the therapy was successfully tested in two models of the disease, induced both genetically and by diet.

In addition, scientists have observed that administering gene therapy in healthy individuals causes healthier aging and protects against overweight and aging-associated insulin resistance. .

After treatment with AAV-FGF21 and during the year and medium in which the animals were monitored, the mice lost weight and reduced fat accumulation and I & # 39; inflammation in adipose tissue.

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The results were reproduced by genetically manipulating different tissues to produce the FGF21 protein, be it the liver, adipose tissue or muscle.

The director of the study, Fátima Bosch, commented that the above gives flexibility for therapy because it allows one to select the most appropriate tissue.

The researcher of the institution, Verónica Jiménez, pointed out that it is the first time that obesity and long-term insulin resistance can be countered by the administration of a single session of gene therapy in the animal model "that more closely resembles obesity and type 2 diabetes in the US. man."

Scientists said in the statement that the results show that it is a therapy ]] safe and effective . They also show how the administration of gene therapy has, in addition, a protective effect against the risk of tumor formation when the liver is subjected to a high calorie diet for a long time.

US researchers have conducted studies where the FGF21 protein administered to the body by conventional therapies has a very short half-life, for this reason they continue to perform clinical trials to verify the & 9 [[[[[[[[[[[[[effectofotherproteinsanalogoustothehormoneFGF21

On the other hand, gene therapy vectors used by the team of Fatima Bosch, induced in mice the production of the hormone FGF21 that the body produces naturally Over the years, with a single administration and without producing secondary complications.

] Bosch said that the next step will be to try this therapy on larger animals, and then start with the clinical tests in patients

He explained that gene therapy through the use of adeno-associated viral vectors has been approved in Europe and the United States for the treatment of various diseases .


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