Obi Mikel's father was kidnapped and threatened with death during 2018 Russia


He had to make a decision and play the key game of the Green Eagles despite the threats that he would kill his father if he spoke with the authorities

"I received a call four hours before departure (Nigeria-Argentina). They told me that they would instantly kill my father when he inform the authorities or inform someone. "

The captain of Nigeria, Obi Mikel, middle of Tianjin TEDA, lived a real hell before the final duel of Aguilas Verdes against Argentina on Day 3 of the 2018 Russian World Cup

And that is that before going on the field of stadium of St. Petersburg and look for the ticket for the eighth Eighth Finale the player received the worst news: his father had been kidnapped something that split him in two, because he thought about his father's safety, but also to all Nigerian fans who were hoping with the national team.

my father was in the hands of criminals . to go the trauma. I was emotionally distressed and I had to decide if I was mentally ready to play. I was confused. I did not know what to do but, in the end, I knew that I could not leave 180 million Nigerians 'abandoned'. I had to remove it from my head and go first to represent my country "he told the British Guardian newspaper

Mikel reported that a relative had given him the number of the kidnappers and had immediately contacted them for to receive the instructions and the time of the rescue . "Only a very small circle of my friends knew it. I did not want to discuss it either with the coach because he did not want my problem to become a distraction for him or for the rest of the team before such an important match. "

Fortunately, his father who had been a victim of this same crime in 2011, was released, but is in a hospital with special attention for physical damage that he

"My father was released safely Monday by the evening. I thank police authorities for their relief efforts and the support I have received from their friends and family. Unfortunately, my father is in the hospital and is receiving emergency treatment as a result of the torture he suffered while being captured. "

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