Obstetric violence in the IMSS causes harm to the newborn


Due to a case of obstetric violence, in a hospital of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), which caused neurological damage to a newborn, the National Human Rights Commission of the Man (CNDH) made a recommendation to the head of the IMSS, Tuffic Miguel. Ortega, so that full compensation for the harm is done and that the minor and his mother are registered in the National Registry of Victims.

The patient was 40 weeks pregnant. She then went to the Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology Luis Castelazo Ayala, in Mexico City, where, after an ultrasound, she was admitted to childbirth and received medication to facilitate childbirth. dilation, but this was not done and the work continued.

Due to the intense pain, the woman requested a caesarean section, but the doctors refused, arguing that the natural birth would be better, one of the doctors took a clip and another comfortable to break the source, then He introduced a hand and pressed the abdomen of the other.

This procedure was repeated three times by the medical staff, until the latter informed him that the product has changed position, so that a natural birth is not possible and that A cesarean section is performed.

During the intervention, the doctors performed several maneuvers to remove the baby who, after birth, did not cry and was taken to the high medical specialty unit of the doctor. pediatric hospital of Siglo XXI National Medical Center.

"The CNDH conducted the procedure to clarify the facts and warned the omissions in the medical care of the delivery, which resulted in neurological damage in the baby, who suffers from an alteration of the movement of the four In addition to this, it can be affected in the function of language and cognitive level.

At the end of the investigations, enough evidence was found that proved that the medical care provided was inadequate, which provoked obstetric violence and violated human rights. to the protection of health to the detriment of both victims.

"In addition to repairing the damage, we are asked to provide the woman with the psychological care she needs, and to provide the baby with specialized medical care that requires, for life and, if necessary, the supply of medication so that you can reach the highest level of health possible because of the damage suffered. "

Faced with this situation, the IMSS assured that it would comply with the recommendation of the CNDH, also announced to have adopted various measures to avoid similar events.

"The central offices and the high specialized medical unit have been instructed to respect all the points of their competence contained in the recommendation, as well as to reinforce the training of the staff of the institutions in the field of human rights. according to national and international standards. "


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