Officially, there are twelve deaths from influenza


In the midst of the epidemic

up to epidemiological week 29, there are officially 170 confirmed cases of influenza in Yucatan, with twelve deaths, as reported yesterday at the first extraordinary session of the Council National Health.

half of the epidemic, "said Dr. Mirza Tec Kumul, deputy director of public health of the State Secretariat for Health.

This outbreak, according to the official, will continue for an additional two or three weeks, then spiraling The twelve deaths reported to date represent a considerable increase over the previous epidemiological week when the statistics considered four deaths.

The 170 confirmed cases are from 1892 The projection of the health sector is that at the end of epidemiological week 52, with which the year ends, there will be an additional 1,233 probable cases

until the last week of the 252 persons hospitalized for pneumonia are reported, and this number is projected to increase by an additional 370 persons between weeks 29 and 52.

The National Council of Health was held in the Public Relations Hall of the Yucatán Siglo XXI Convention and Exhibition Center, under the chairmanship of the Secretary of the Government, Martha Góngora Sánchez, and the Secretary of Health, Jorge Eduardo Mendoza Mezquita

It was rather an informative meeting, during which Dr. Tec Kumul presented a broad overview of the flu and its evolution in Europe. Yucatan Then there were the interventions of Mendoza Mezquita and Jorge Méndez Vales, last delegate of the IMSS, and the lawyer Góngora Sánchez, who also closed the event.

Secretary Mendoza Mezquita said that there was no shortage of flu drugs. "We have enough antivirals" – but he stressed that there are no vaccines available for the population as the respective campaign is carried out from October to March and this time, as in previous cycles, the goal was achieved at 100%, more than 600

Dr. Tec Kumul said, inter alia, that the flu outbreak is not exclusive in Yucatan but that it also strongly affects other entities and even countries of Central America and South America.

The disease control strategy is based on two aspects: vaccination, in the terms mentioned by Mendoza Mezquita, and measures to prevent respiratory diseases

He added that influenza occurs all over the world. year in the country, more frequently in autumn and winter, and in Yucatan, the greatest increase is observed during the rainy season, from June to September. He spoke about risk groups, variables of an epidemic and the main preventive measures.

Interviewed by one of the participants, Méndez Vales assured that in recent weeks the IMSS has published some 500 handicaps due to the flu. ANGEL NOH ESTRADA

State Health Council Extraordinary Session

At the meeting yesterday, it was pointed out that there would be no additional influenza vaccination.

It has been accomplished and there is more than

the goal (2017-2018), there is more to apply, "said Secretary of Health , Jorge Mendoza Mezquita.

Reduce, not eliminate

The official pointed out that the reason for the application of the vaccine is not the disappearance of the flu, but the effects of this disease are less

Measures more than numbers

Martha Góngora Sánchez, Secretary General of the Government, said that the application of preventive measures is the task of all and asked for support for the dissemination of all actions. "More than talking about rates, talk about preventive measures," he said.

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