On the gallows ended his terrorist life for an attack on the subway in Japan


TOKYO, Japan.-After the completion in January of the last judicial instance and after the thirteen defendants were separated in different prisons the usual step before executions, Japanese society Get ready to end the story of the worst terrorist attack in its history

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The Founder of the Supreme Sect of Truth Shoko Asahara considered the brains of deadly sarin gas attacks in the Tokyo subway in 1995, was executed today by hanging, according to the public broadcaster NHK

. whose real name was Chizuo Matsumoto, was executed last Friday with the 13 members of the sect sentenced to death by an attack that killed 13 people and left tens in an almost vegetative state.

from Tokyo which cond fr to die in hanging in 2006; The verdict, which responds to the sanction requested by the prosecution, occurred five hours after the start of the last lawsuit against Asahara. They say that the accused did not flinch when he heard the sentence. When he was sentenced years ago.

In addition to the attack with sarin, Asahara was charged with 12 other charges of different types, ranging from murder, induction to murder, release of sarin in apartments and illegal production of weapons. drug addicts. The various crimes of the organization caused the death of 27 people and injuries of different degrees to 5,500 others.

The judge said that Asahara, whose real name is Chizuo Matsumoto, 48, ordered all 13 acts by the who was sitting on the dock. According to the judge, Asahara believed himself Buddha or God, and in the name of apparent salvation, he tried to dominate the whole country to prove that he was a superior being.

The president of the court described the crimes of Asahara "cruel and deplorable crimes", for which she deserved the greatest penalty in the Japanese penal code, the gallows.

Victims were recalled Tuesday with floral offerings filed at six Tokyo Metro subway stations, where the nervous gas spilled by Aum Shinrikyo's supporters at the busiest time of the morning of March 20, 1995

At Kasumigaseki Station, main target of the attack that began when fans clicked on plastic bags with sarin in trains Metro employees in uniform quietly dropped the head to pay homage to the dead.

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