Ongoing, 17 criminal complaints for the difference of 3 thousand mp: ASF


Following the individual reports of the Public Account 2017, the Higher Audit Office (ASF) filed 17 criminal complaints before the PGR for an amount of 3 thousand 37 million pesos, after having detected the procurement system. public procurement, through universities, as a "dispersal mechanism", known as Master Scam .

In the first installment of the 2017 public account, the ASF announced that it will oversee the use of social programs in the presidential election, after detecting the deceased in their registers , will also consider the destination of resources allocated to reconstruction after the earthquakes of September

The auditor David Colmenares affirmed his commitment to follow up the allegations they are in the process of integration before the PGR.

He specified that he will adapt the measures to comply with the renewal of the higher audit, because the perception that the value of the institution lies in the amount of observations and the number of audits performed.

In front of the members of the Vigilance Commission, he foresaw that there would be "more" complaints that he will present "in the future", so that "they contribute to those who have committed irregularities are held accountable. "

Colmenares also reported that there are 11 sheets of observations as a result of the audit of public accounts from 2013 to 2016, which involve an amount of more thousand of millions of pesos, which concern 72 alleged perpetrators, of whom 63 are natural persons, civil servants and former officials of Sedesol, as well as the public universities concerned, namely those of the State of Mexico and Morelos. involves nine other legal persons.


On the reconstruction by the earthquakes of September, the ASF will examine the authorized resources to nine entities, for an amount of 14 thousand 301 billion pesos, as well as resources to deal with natural disasters other than the earthquake for 6 thousand 961.1 million pesos.

This revision includes the filtering of data between the Sedatu census and the National Bank of Savings and Financial Services database, as well as the delivery of cards to the affected population.

The FAA will visit Chiapas, Oaxaca and Morelos to verify whether resources have been properly provided to affected families by identifying duplicate payments and unrecorded fees, in addition to reviewing the acquisition of software for control and allocation of resources.

performance audits, the ASF will oversee the implementation of the 12 structural reforms approved by the government of President Enrique Peña Nieto, in order to inform

Audits include labor reforms, the Education, telecommunications and broadcasting, energy, economy, finance and treasury, the New Penal System of the Prosecution, in amparo , electoral politics, transparency and the fight against corruption.

"It is essential that the ASF systematically evaluate these reforms, based on innovative methodologies, in order to monitor their implementation and results, in order to provide information on their effectiveness."

In the document: The ASF noted that it was identified that adjustments and budget increases are not supported by performance information, which prevents it from evaluating their effect.


Beneficiary models revealed shortcomings such as improper recording of information, lack of correspondence between the amounts of support, lack of update, and that "even in the registers appear dead persons."

The report includes 344 exams which correspond to 22% of the total of the 5942 checks planned for the audit of the public account of 2017 The remaining 78% should be presented in October and February.

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