Online addiction causes psychological disorders: your doctor


Currently, there are few that have not been hung at least once with a series on the Internet and one could say that it's a healthy way to entertain ourselves . However, specialists of the UNAM warn that the cases of dependence on the series online or seriefilia are increasing, which could lead to psychological disorders. 19659002] Spending whole nights watching series on the Internet, chapter by chapter, is not a healthy behavior and, in fact, more and more specialists are warning against the effects of this practice.

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Seriefilia, addiction to the series on the Internet

In this regard, Gabriela Orozco Calderón professor of the School of Psychology UNAM explains that we live in a society and a time when we get things faster and faster and we do not stop for a reward because it is obtained immediately.

In this context, the specialist indicates that we become addicted to the series

004] on the Internet for several reasons

One of them is that they are within our reach very easily, no matter what day and time we want and we do not have some space to see them even when they have a monetary cost. In addition, dependence on online series does not depend on sociodemographic characteristics, regardless of age, sex or socioeconomic level, we all have immediate access.

We can see the series wherever we have a cell phone or computer, we can see them at home, at the office and even on television.


Regarding the characteristics of this type of series, the specialist emphasizes that the programs are characterized by visual bursts, everything happens very quickly.

The directors take several scenes to give us the feeling of participating in the plot, in some cases the protagonists are directed towards us and strongly control our attention, in addition to containing many scenes of sex and violence.

"We are biologically determined to respond to this type of stimulation," he says

. we forget or give up our activities to see the series.

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Consequences of online addiction to the series

There are several risk factors, such as psychological or psychiatric disorders that could promote this type of platform to generate dependency.

For example, personality problems, lack of self-control, impulsive behaviors, dysphoria, abnormal or changing moods, which depend on this type of entertainment, as well as a lack of control to wait for gratification.

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Brain level, dysfunction is generated that promotes behavior associated with biological effects, with cognitive cognitive impairment and daily functioning.

There may be a decrease in the thickness and basal metabolism of the orbitofrontal cortex. impulsivity and deterioration behaviors in all executive tasks and functions

There is also an excessive release of dopamine which, at first, generates a constant search and desire to see the series, and the anterior cingulate frontal cortex is modified, which is related to addictive behaviors related to the pleasure and motivation of rewards.

The Internet becomes an addiction when we stop doing all the work activities and the to daily life, and even give up other actions that previously generated pleasure, "says UNAM researcher

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Symptoms of Seriefilia

When there is already an addiction, we will spend hours watching chapter after chapter until the series ends and we will look for another one. However, seeing so many series will make them less exciting, as happens to an addict who is constantly using drugs.

If we stop seeing them, they will provoke us to a withdrawal syndrome say, a physical and mental discomfort, and we will even think all day what time we can continue to see them.

"There may be mood changes and in many cases we will deny the addiction".


Other sequelae may be physical and mental health problems such as obesity, heart problems, lower productivity, lower levels of satisfaction, interpersonal problems due to lack of coexistence, poor diet, sleep problems to stay awake to see the series, lack of memory concentration, decision making and cognitive problems.

However, the expert points out that it is possible to prevent this To perform other activities such as reading or practicing a sport

If the addiction already exists , it is necessary to seek the help of a professional, that can be found in the psychology department of UNAM or in other specialized centers. How long do you spend watching series online?

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