Only 15 minutes of exercise a day benefit your health


CITY OF MEXICO.- Only fifteen minutes of cardiovascular exercise enough to create an optimal brain state to master new motor skills, such as learning to walk on the rope steep.

This finding may, in principle, hasten the recovery of motor function in patients who have suffered a stroke or who have mobility problems after injury, Report 21 states.

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Marc Roig, the main author of the study, had previously shown that the l 39; Exercise helps to consolidate muscle or motor memory . What he and the research team have tried to discover this time, that is why exactly this happens

The study participants had to perform a manual task, at intervals of 30, 60, 90 minutes, after exercise or rest. Researchers evaluated their level of brain activity

This task involved that participants simply hold the dynamometer several times for a few seconds

They discovered that even a short, intense exercise session can create a brain condition. optimal during motor memory consolidation improves motor retention .

When they analyzed more specifically what was happening, the researchers found that after exercise, there was less brain activity, most likely because the neural connections between and in the cerebral hemispheres had become more efficient.

Habits like climbing stairs instead of using the lift, shopping on foot or using other means of transportation such as cycling help to make the population more active and accumulate more minutes of physical activity without having to make a hole in their free time to reach these minimums. And, with little, you can get a lot.

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