Only 300 million pesos due to entrepreneurs: Yunes


The governor of Veracruz Miguel Ángel Yunes, declared that the public administration owed 300 million pesos to the entrepreneurs and not 500, as they denounced Last Monday

In an interview, the state governor assured that the government of Javier Duarte had left a debt with the members of Empresas SOS AC of 40 billion pesos, but that during his administration was reduced to 300 million pesos.

"Of all those 40 billion pesos that they wanted the Veracruzians to pay, with a charge of three percent of social charges, all that 40 billion, if nothing, what's left, that's 300 million but nothing to do with these gentlemen who call themselves entrepreneurs, "he said.

The governor of Veracruz added that the businessman Alejandro Cossío is a coyote He is not a businessman, he is a coyote, he does not have a coyote. was no company, he coyoteaba, as it was the custom in the previous administration, contracts in the sector, because he has no company and hired him only during the year. Duarte administration

"Suddenly, he discovered that in this government, the coyotes can no longer walk the streets, neither to the Ministry of Finance, nor to the Ministry of Health, he found In addition, he has pointed out that other members of the organization who demonstrated on Monday went "to make a show " at the Government Palace.

"The other gentlemen, one of them" they were an accomplice of Edgar Espinoso (current federal deputy and former official of Javier Duarte) and sold to the state government the toner and the computer s; they came here to the government palace, they had an appointment with the undersecretary and they wanted to do a show.

He pointed out that his administration has not denied the payment, but it will not allow that they analyze who are there are trying to collect things that are not due and the money from Veracruz I'm busy more than if it was mine. "

Business Complaint by Deportation

The Business Woman ] Marcela Illana, wife of the businessman Alejandro Cossío, went to the regional delegation of the Commission for Human Rights in the port of Veracruz to denounce that she was expelled from the Government Palace when on Monday

She reported that she had been assaulted during the deportation with which the authorities had completed the sit-in for nearly 10 hours that they had performed in the property.

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