Only 4 of 9 babies died at Morelos hospital had bacteria [Estados] – 07/12/2018


Millennium | Mexico City – Morelos Health Secretary Patricia Mora said that from June 29 to the present day, nine babies have died at the Cuernavaca General Hospital "Dr. G. Parrés"; four of them had the bacterium Klebsiella.

"As of June 29, we have nine babies in this prenatal care unit (those who have died), however, out of the nine that were examined with the general management team, we were able to determine that One Yesterday, parents reported that several newborns had died in the hospital because of the bacteria and that even doctors at the medical center explained that they had contracted it at the hospital. the place because they "do not disinfect well" the working materials.

In an interview with Azucena Uresti for MILENIO Televison, Mora explained that the bacteria may not have been the cause of death, since the hospital receives minors in serious health, so the Klebsiella was added to several complications that already They introduced the babies.

"All babies are babies to very high risk, very seriously ill, that the bacterium does not imp Not to death, adds to the many factors that they have, in this case, Mrs. Paty's babies had 27 weeks of pregnancy, they were extremely premature, "he added.

He explained that the five babies who also lost their lives died of symptoms they already had, such as heart disease or metabolic problems. However, the official announced that tomorrow and Friday the Commission for protection against health risks of the State of Morelos (Coprisem), the Directorate General of Quality and Health Education (DGCES) and the DGE will conduct on-site assessments. .

"The General Direction of Epidemiology (DGE) was there, tomorrow we will have another supervision on the part of the Health Commission, the General Direction of the Health comes also", he said.

In a statement, the state's Department of Health reported that new admissions to the Special Neonatal Care Unit (UCEN) are limited to avoid risks.

He added that, until now, there are five babies hospitalized in the UCEN with various diseases, but "all without presenting complications and with a favorable lead in the recovery process", indicates the press release.

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