Open tailgate causes motorcyclist death


In tragedy ended the race of a motorcycle that circulated on Periférico. He did not notice that on this avenue there was a phone file without a cover, the front tire fell into the hole nearly half a meter long, which caused the driver's departure from just over five meters

. When he left his motorcycle, a bus bound for Cuernavaca, which was traveling in the middle lane, passed over him and although witnesses immediately gave him first aid, as a result of the blow and of indignation, the 25-year-old

The accident occurred on the Adolfo Ruiz Cortines Boulevard, in front of the number 4125, a few meters from the Pemex Picacho housing unit . Witnesses said that the motorcyclist had his helmet, but he did not do much to crash on the sidewalk because he was immediately unconscious.

The report from the local Public Security Secretariat indicates that, due to the traffic generated the accident, the ambulance took a little more than 15 minutes to reach the place, so they do not could do nothing to help him.

The body was removed from the place and transferred to the Institute of Forensic Sciences (Incifo), where hours later his family identified him. They said it was called Edgar and that the motorcycle used it for their daily transfer from school to work, so they considered that they had the necessary experience in the car.

They blamed the record of the accident. the SSP officers who had repeatedly denounced the risk to drivers and motorcyclists who register, but no one took them seriously.

Now, seriously analyze the possibility of engaging in a legal battle against the phone company responsible for register maintenance because it ensures that it was perfectly closed the accident did not get would not be produced. This is the second deadly incident so far this month, linked to a record in poor condition.

The first took place in the vicinity of the delegation of Iztapalapa 15, on this occasion, the victim was a nine-year-old boy. fell into a strainer, hit his head and died drowned.

That day, the city registered a heavy rain, the youngest who walked with his mother, did not live the colander open and fell, because the street Eloy Cavazos she was flooded, the woman could do nothing to save his life.

As a result of this fact, the capital's prosecutor's office opened an investigation file for the crime of culpable homicide for other reasons. Authorities started the first stage and transferred the body to the amphitheater.

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