Oral medications cause more hypoglycemic events than insulin


by: Notimex – June 27, 2018, 19:51 pm

Orlando, (Notimex) .- In Mexico, a minority of patients with type 2 diabetes use the 39 insulin because of the myths that exist around this biological, even when its application in the early years of the disease would delay the onset of complications.

The fear on the part of patients, and even doctors, is that there will be events of hypoglycemia (excessive lowering of sugar levels), one of the main reasons why its use is delayed.

Among the cases of total hypoglycemia, 80 percent are attributable to oral therapies (pills) and only 20 percent to injected insulin.

"The attention for the sudden drop in blood sugar, if it is for oral antidiabetic drugs, is slowly cleaned and disappears between two and three days, when it is for the Insulin in less than 24 hours, the effect disappears, and it is easier to treat the patient, "said Fernando Lavalle, endocrinologist at the Autonomous University Hospital of Nuevo Leon

He explained that admission for sick leave is between two and three thousand pesos more expensive than hospitalization for any other cause not serious.

The idea that causes sexual impotence and the high risk of blindness, are other myths about this chemical-synthesized hormone for diabetics to refuse treatment before there is kidney failure, visual impairment and dementia. Other complications.

As part of the 78th Scientific Session of the American Diabetes Association (ADA), Fernando Lavalle said that a patient should regularly start taking insulin. seven years of diagnosis, but in Mexico, treatment is delayed.

This delay in treatment leads to the appearance of kidney damage appears earlier than desired, advancing the damage to the vision and in general deteriorate the quality of life of people with diabetes.

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