Oribe Peralta will not play against Xolos and Cecilio is uncertain


Miguel Herrera will not be able to count on Oribe Peralta for the duel that America will hold against Xolos on the ground of the Azteca stadium, which corresponds to the 13th day of the Apertura 2018 tournament of the Liga MX.

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The Beautiful will not be available for the Saturday clash after the injury which he still has not recovered, and Cecilio Dominguez is uncertain, since he returned to Coapa with mild muscle discomfort after his participation in the Paraguayan Selection at the FIFA Date.

For what the capital of equipment would jump in the following way: Marchesín, Aguilar, Valdez, Aguilera, Sanchez, Rodriguez, Uribe, Ibargüen, Lainez, Ibarra and Martinez.

One of the main attractions of every game of the day will be the VAR tests, a system that pleased Miguel Herrera, saying it will be beneficial for Mexican football. "America is a team that must be whistled with a forceps, it is very difficult to whistle. If they give you something to please you, it's dubious all week and they whistle against you it's doubtful a single day and it's over", condemned the louse at a press conference this Friday.

The courtyard

After stopping the MX League for the FIFA fixture, Colombian singer Shakira made some presentations at Estadio Azteca. The images of the court were then released in poor condition; however, the helmsman azulcrema He said that during the week he was in preparation and that he would be ready for tomorrow's match against Xolos de Tijuana.


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