Ortega accuses the bishops of being "part of the coup plan" in Nicaragua


President Daniel Ortega accused the Catholic Church of Nicaragua of "being part of a coup plan" to overthrow it, and that He said "disqualifies the bishops" to negotiate in the national dialogue that seeks to emerge from the worst crisis the country has gone through in the last four decades "I thought the bishops were mediators , but they committed to the putschists were part of the coup plan (…) was a coup d'état what they wanted to provoke in 19459003 Nicaragua "said Ortega in front of thousands of supporters who attended the 39th anniversary of the revolution

" It hurt me that my gentlemen bishops had this attitude of coup d'etat and they disqualified themselves mediators and witnesses "added Ortega in a speech It is still charged with epithets against opposition protesters, who in addition attributed all acts of vandalism and crimes that occurred within three months of protests .

The National Dialogue with the Mediation of the Bishops began mid May, but did not have any major advances and was blocked several weeks ago due to a lack of consensus. 39, a program approved by the bishops

The opposition calls for the departure of Ortega from power, the advance of early elections from 2021 to March 2019 and the renewal judicial and electoral powers, under official regime.

" The Church does not suffer to be slandered, assaulted and persecuted.It suffers for those who have been murdered, for families who cry, for those who are unjustly detained and for those who are fleeing repression, we pray and we will always be at his side in the name of Jesus answered Bishop Silvio Báez, considered the most critical bishop of the government at the Episcopal Conference

Assuming that the conflict was over, Ortega added that It is now necessary to "restore peace, make a huge effort to recover the economy and believe in self-defense committees" The president also accused the protesters of "owning weapons of war" with which they allegedly murdered " However, the government has only acknowledged 49 deaths in the last three months.

Human rights organizations denounced the fact that violent police and paramilitary action claimed the lives of more than 350 people. the people, the most young students and protesters opposed .

During the act, his wife and vice-president, Rosario Murillo hinted who they were they claim that the government referred to them again as " ] Satanic "and" putschists . "

He adds that his government is "on duty to restore peace" in the country "in the face of so much satanic rite, in front of so many blind hearts, faced with so much malignity and a sinister practice unknown in Nicaragua . "

Murillo pointed out that the act of the party commemorates the 39th anniversary or the overthrow of the dictatorship of Anastasio Somoza in 1979, bringing together representatives of all the powers of the state, as well as members of the army and the military leadership. Police in addition to the delegates of Cuba and Venezuela among others.



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