Ortega excludes an electoral advance in Nicaragua


The president of Nicaragua Daniel Ortega said Saturday that he did not want to advance the general election and that those who demand his resignation should respect the laws that allow you to remain in power until 2021.

" Here the rules are laid down by Constitution ] of the Republic across the city The rules can not come to change them overnight because it appeared to a group of putschists ", he said Ortega in front of a crowd of admirers and state employees who participated in a "March for Peace" in the capital, Managua

Ortega, who wore more thin than the last time appeared in public on May 30, he blamed his opponents of deaths recorded since the beginning of the demonstrations in April . According to human rights groups, more than 250 people, mostly young students shot by police and paramilitaries lost their lives at the time

" ]] the government which asks the vote of the people insisted the president while making reference to the movements directed by students who asked to leave their functions dissenting ] accuse Ortega of attempting to establish a dictatorship marked by corruption and nepotism with his wife and vice president, Rosario Murillo.

The Act of Managua it replaced the march of " El Repliegue ", a history of the ruling Sandinista National Liberation Front, in Masaya, 28 kilometers southeast of Managua military strategy against the dic Somoza: After 38 consecutive years the celebrant this year it has not been possible to repeat it since this city was revealed against Ortega

"We'll see if the people will give vote to putschists who caused so much destruction during these weeks, there will be time for elections, "said Ortega

" Sowers of the ] tares plant tactics ] terrorists to murder their brothers Nicaraguans "denounced the 72-year-old governor, describing them as" vandals " and "gangs of delinquents ". 19659002] The Nicaraguan Crisis began with a student demonstration on April 18 and was aggravated after the violent crackdown of police and paramilitaries against civilian demonstrators.

his speech in the capital, the repression [1 9459004] continued in the cities of the north and the center of the country through what the government and his followers called the " caravan of "peace," violently evacuating the traffic jams that paralyzed much of the highways of the country.



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