Ortega excludes the progress of elections in Nicaragua despite the pressure


The President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, ruled out an advance of the elections as proposed by the Catholic Church and demanded his opponents in the protests for almost three months, in the middle of the year. a wave of violence that leaves more than 230 dead

"Here, the rules are laid by the Constitution by the people."

"The rules can not change them overnight just because they have appeared to a group of putschists". this Saturday Ortega, in a massive march of supporters in the west of Managua.

The president, who has not appeared in public since May 30, added that if "the putschists", as the civil movement of the opposition calls to leave the power, "want to reach the government Should look for "the vote of the people".

"We will see if the people will give the vote to the putschists who caused so much destruction during these weeks. the elections, "said Ortega with his wife and vice president Rosario Murillo, on a rotundum tribune bearing the name of the late Venezuelan socialist leader Hugo Chávez

The Church, mediator between the government and the government. Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy – Integrated by Sectors of Civil Society, proposed to advance the elections from 2021 to 2019. But the dialogue stalled because Ortega, who governs since 2007 for the third consecutive period, did not respond.

During his speech, Ortega alluded to bishops we must love our neighbor ", including" those who curse us and condemn us to death on behalf of religious institutions. "

Protests began on April 18 against a social security reform, but faced with a strong police crackdown with illegal armed groups, they grew to demand the departure of O. rtega, whom they claim to have established with Murillo a dictatorship marked by corruption and nepotism

"Down with the putschists!"

Before the demonstration of the government, the Civic Alliance postponed next Thursday a march scheduled for this Saturday and called for a national strike on July 13, the second convened in the crisis, after that held June 14 with a great welcome of employees and workers.

"The sowers of the tares circulate with terrorist practices to kill their Nicaraguan brothers", added the president. Decryption of opponents to "criminal gangs".

Ortega calls his opponents "murderers" and "criminals" among the ovations of tens of thousands of people who walked from Plaza de las Victorias to the Hugo Chavez roundabout. surrounded by gigantic trees of life, metal, installed by Murillo.

"Down with the coupistes!", "No recoil!", "Stay, my commander remains!" We want peace "shouted Ortega's supporters, waving flags of" I am a revolutionary woman and I defend my homeland from the right blow and its vandals. "

" The Sandinists are pacifists but if they are looking for us, they are heading to the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN, left). to find. They are violent and blame the government for the dead, "said Martha Candray, a 57-year-old former military officer.

Ortega, a 72-year-old former Sandinista guerrilla, ruled Nicaragua for a decade after the triumph of the popular uprising, FSLN, overthrew the dictator Anastasio Somoza in 1979.

"Its fall is a matter of time"

In other cities markets also Before the march of the followers of the FSLN [19659009] Saturday, the police and paramilitaries violently raided Thursday in the indigenous village of Sutiaba in the city of León, at the 39th. west of the country, killing three and injuring dozens and detainees.

Masaya, the most rebel in the country and where there are still barricades placed by the demonstrators, the opponents marched against Ortega carrying Nicaraguan flags to the neighborhood combative e Monimbó

"They wanted to silence But here is the city that demands that he leave," said student leader Yubrank Suazo, who was burned by supporters of Ortega this week, according to the denunciations .

Masked men in hooded and heavily armed men patrol with the police and riot police several cities, raising the barricades of cobblestones that the protesters built. "Its fall is a matter of time, we are at the beginning of the end of Ortega," said sociologist Oscar Rene Vargas, for whom the big question is "how and how?". when, in advance, peaceful and orderly, slow or violent. "

Meanwhile, the economic crisis is increasingly critical, with more than 200,000 jobs lost and the Central Bank lowering the calculation of growth from 4.9% to 1%." C & # 39 is the Achilles heel of the government, "said Vargas, also an economist.

The United States, Nicaragua's largest trading partner, sanctioned three high-ranking friends of Ortega and a government official. police, accusing them of human rights violations of other crimes.Ortega did not refer to these measures in his speech.


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