Osorio and Mexico, to review their lives


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Samara.- The moment of his final exam has arrived. If anything was hired Juan Carlos Osorio was for that, to reach the fifth game, to break the barrier of the round of 16 of the World Cup.

It's the moment of truth.

Mexico against Brazil, against the power of the world. If you want to make history is now, and the Colombian was chosen to take the Mexican national team where he did not arrive in 32 years.

Osorio seems calm in the press conference before the game of his life. Smile, greet all those who ask. There are many Brazilians who have known him when he went to Sao Paulo. He feels dressed.

"Fifth match". Two words that no one surely mentions in the Mexican concentration, but that everyone thinks about them. The South American gets away with the deal, he knows that it's time to think about the game, on the court. "Fifth game – out of respect, we just think we deserve to be here," he says, leaving this thorny question. "For a few months we knew that it was possible to play here against Brazil. We hope to have a good match. We are against the best team in the world. "

Thus qualifies the coach to his rival.May perhaps to justify himself, to make understand to his own and to foreigners the magnitude of the feat he seeks. [19659002] "Brazil is a great team. I would dare to say that he is the best in the world because collectively, all his players are able to control and pass the ball, and to have a collective behavior like that of Spain. or from Germany; this is added fundamental things, its great llegadores and has three, four, up to five gambeteadores … It's a great team, and also a technician [Tite] of high level, who knows very well mix with his players, "he explains

And the best team in the world has one of the best players in the world, like Neymar, who referees buy a lot of his fake falls. Osorio sees a good opportunity to send a forbidden message: "I believe that, in favor of play and fair play, there is a good referee [Gianluca Rocchi de Italia] and … I will not discriminate against anyone." Neymar is a good player.That the referee makes a fair duel, and nothing more. "

There are no dramatic sentences, there are no challenges to it. ;honor. Osorio is calm, like a good student who has done his homework and only waits to pass the exam.

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