Otitis, the infection that could leave you without hearing


The sensation of "clogged ear", buzzing, presence of pus or pain and organ fever symptoms of tympanic membrane being perforated, and if this injury not attended, may cause hearing loss explained Laura Reyes Contreras, attached to the audiology department of the Rehabilitation Unit of the General Hospital of Mexico Dr. Eduardo Liceaga [19659003] "Otitis" ] the name that carries the infection, occurs in two ways: acute or chronic, the first can occur suddenly, while the chronic is manifested repeatedly over a long period.

Can result from accidental injury or introduction of an object in the ear, such as a pin, a cotton swab or a ballpoint pen, as well as loud noises, excessive exposure to atmospheric pressure, flying or driving in the mountains, or constant exposure to water, swimming or diving.
The membra tympanum has the main function of avoiding the passage of dust and insects to the ear, and rupture, the middle ear is exposed to the environment becoming more vulnerable to infections.

The eardrum has the ability of self-regeneration, as long as the rupture does not exceed 30% of the total membrane, because if the damage is larger on the other hand, if the eardrum rupture is associated with acute infections such as "rhinitis" or "rhinosinusitis" treatment may be treated with antibiotics. otic.
Even if the damage to the membrane is repaired, there is a risk of hearing loss, which depends on the severity of the infection and when it was allowed to pass

. the specialist advised the population that in the presence of a symptom, self-medication should be avoided and the doctor should go there


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