Overcoming the water cut in the capital: Amieva


November 10, 2018

I made sure that the local government was trying to make the cutting derived from the work of the Cutzamala less cumbersome and less damaging.

Photo: Notimex

The head of the government of Mexico City, Jos Ramn Amieva, said that the water storage tanks represent more than 90% of their capacity, which exceeded the reductions and shortages in the capital of the country.

At a press conference after the launch of In Winter With You, he said Saturday night, no later than Sunday, would standardize the offer of the 13 mayors affected by the downsizing that began on Oct. 31.

At the Becepegui Foundation for the Concepcion Seniors, he informed that although the pipeline operation would continue for a few extra days for those who needed it.

"We could then say, provided that the Cutzamala system continues to function as before, that it was able to overcome the problem of cutting, of the water scarcity that lived in the past" , did he declare.

Amieva said that the culture of rational use and maintenance of water should be maintained and that the government continues to take care of the supply infrastructure, that the pipes are free of leaks and that the pumping systems are working.

In addition, she said, the citizen must maintain the culture of savings because on average, a person consumes in this city of 150 to 300 liters per day.

He said that this year has been the rainiest of the last 37 years and that with a catch of 800 square meters, about 10 families of four can be supplied with water for eight months.

On the sediments in the water that were reported in some areas of Iztapalapa after the reactivation of the diet, he explained that after the water began to flow into the pipes after about seven hours she will stop having water.

Regarding the losses that some traders suffered for this reduction, he stated that there was no incident for the provision of water-related services in urban enterprises.

Make sure that the local government has tried to ensure that the cut resulting from the work of the Cutzamala is the least expensive and the least damaging for the inhabitants of the city.

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Iztapalapa, Clara Brugada Molina, said the emergency and the drinking water crisis in the demarcation, after the suspension of the offer of work in the Cutzamala system, which affects more than 700,000 inhabitants of the most popular settlements. .

In a statement, he said that the water supply network was starting to be restored and serve the affected people, but that the operation of the quadrants and modules intended for the attention of citizens during the distribution vital fluid in areas of colonies affected by cutting.

He said the mayor had served all areas of drinking water crisis, with more than 90,000 round trips and 90 million liters distributed in the 119 most affected settlements.

The official commented that to remain free of water supply in other areas where they were constantly receiving vital fluid through pipelines, in addition to organizing a strategy for that. it is delivered daily as it is a right to receive drinking liquid in all homes of Iztapalapa.

"We will organize to continue with the quadrants and in other regions, we will continue to send water continuously, while the new government of Mexico City enters to set up means to provide more water to Iztapalapa, "he proposed.

With Notimex information

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