Pablo Iglesias, Rafael Correa and Gustavo Petro support AMLO for the elections


Social leaders in Latin America showed their support for AMLO in the July 1 elections.

Regeneration, June 29, 2018 .- Pablo Iglesias, Rafael Correa and Gustavo Petro, social leaders from Spain, Ecuador and Colombia, respectively, sent their support to the left-wing project. Andrés Manuel López Obrador before the imminence of elections in Mexico.

Through their social networking accounts, the three left-wing figures showed their approval for Tabasco's position in polls and the option he represents.

In the case of Iglesias, shared on his twitter account that this Sunday Mexico will open a path to peace, social justice and democracy.

Recall that Iglesias, is one of the leaders of Podemos, the party of the Spanish left that emerged from the manifesto Mover Ficha: Convert indignation into political change, which sought to create an opposition to the policies of the European Union in the face of the economic crisis

He showed his support for Rafael Correa, former president of Ecuador, one of the representatives of the Latin American left , who also said in his social networks that "AMLO will be a refreshing boost, a great hope for Latin America and Mexico". AMLO

– Rafael Correa (@MashiRafael) June 29, 2018

At the wave of good wishes, Gustavo Petro, the presidential candidate, has joined progressive Colo mbia, who in the last elections came in second place

The leader of the left, shared in his Twitter account a message in which he recognized the trajectory of López Obrador as a social fighter.

If you want to know more, visit: Regeneration

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