Padilla asks not to let down the guard


Barranquilla, Colombia – Since 1966 at the Central America and Caribbean Games in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Mexico has not been able to win the absolute medal table when Cuba participates .. and now, in Colombia, he's going to get there.

Three days before the end of the Colombian event in 2018, Mexico leads the fight for the medals with 103 gold, 89 silver and 63 bronze for a total of 255, over Colombia (182) and Cuba (153)

"We are entering into this final goal which is very important to us." In athletics, Mexico brings good cards, but Cuba is the great power and we will not let down the guard.The appointment in all the technical meetings that take place at night is precisely to give everything to Mexico, "said Carlos Padilla, president of the Mexican Olympic Committee, yesterday

"The boys have responded very well, men and women, in these Games of Central America and the Caribbean.I hope that is the end of the medal table and that we give Mexico the opportunity to be at the forefront of sport in Central America and the Caribbean, "he said. who have considered that Mexico is inaccessible, we do not feel it this way, we will not lower our guard for a single moment. "

Mexico was the king of the region in the 2002 and 2010 editions, but in both the Cuban athletes.In Veracruz 2014, the islanders were the commanders of the medal table

" (In these Games of Colombia) we have to do the male football not if the female, also the baseball we stay, karate, although it is not "We will see with the new government, with the new director or director of Conade, what strategy we can put in place so that better coaches can be hired. "Said Padilla, who awarded the women's classic shooting team that won the gold and the tri-color synchronized swimming that also won the title.

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