Pamela Anderson thinks #MeToo "paralyzes men"


The # MeToo movement continues to spark controversy among Hollywood celebrities. On this occasion was the actress Pamela Anderson spoke about the "new wave of feminism".

"I think this feminism can go too far," said former Playboy magazine model. in conversation with the Australian program "60 Minutes". "I'm a feminist, but I think this third wave is boring, I think it paralyzes men"he added.

Anderson also explained that the move is "too much" for her. "I'm sorry, they'll probably kill me for saying that, but my mom taught me that I should not go to a hotel with a stranger, and that if someone gets me with a bathrobe at a work meeting, it should be something else, "he said, referring to some of the charges against Harvey Weinstein.

"There are things that are common sense," said the 51-year-old actress. The full interview will be broadcast next Sunday, November 11th. but through social networks He has advanced some of the exclusive in which he is also referring to his relationship with Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks.

Assange remains a refugee at the Embassy of Ecuador in London under the threat of being extradited to the United States. Anderson has been referring for a few years to a love story with the Australian activist.

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