PAN governors were ignored: Martín Orozco


Aguascalientes.- After the unfavorable results of the National Action (PAN) in the federal elections and in some states, the governor of PAN, Martín Orozco Sandoval, felt that those who made mistakes should not remain the main actors of the institute. [19659002ItwaspointedoutinsomecasesthattheleaderswereappointedbytheBritishandtheGermansandnowthattheywereunabletodososincetheyhadneverthelesscontributedtothegroup"Wedidnotlikethedangerthatwehadanticipatedthemistakesoftheotherparties"hesaid

On the future of the NAP and the possible restructuring, Orozco Sandoval commented: "C & # 39; is a problem that we will have to analyze today.I am very aware that we have all made mistakes, still others, others less and we must recognize it.It must, not punish, but put on the table, according to the extent of the mistake, because there must also be a responsibility and they must understand that those who have committed the most mistakes can not continue to lift the in wanting to be the main actors of what comes from the PAN ".

As to whether he was referring to the presidential candidate for the Por México al Frente coalition (PAN-PRD-MC), Ricardo Anaya, denied that it was his: "I do not I think this has to be analyzed and that will be analyzed at the table. "

The PAN stressed that they will have to do a lot more work as a party at the national level to be able to rethink the proposals and the NAP strategy with the goal of recurrence. three years of positions at local conventions.

He also said that he was satisfied because the PREP data revealed that Whites and Blues would be in the majority in the local Legislative Branch.

The President, finally, reported that he has established a communication with the team of the virtual president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, with whom he will seek to manufacture equipment for the promotion of projects. infrastructure in this entity.

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