PAN to demonstrate during Maduro visit to Mexico


MEXICO.- The National Action Party (PAN) announced Monday that it would demonstrate in front of the Venezuelan Embassy before the visit of Nicolás Maduro protest by President-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

"We are going to the Embassy of Venezuela and the day of the session, legislators to manifest his repudiation, "said his national chief, Marcelo Torres.

The next foreign minister, Marcelo Ebrard, announced last Friday that Nicolás Maduro, president of Venezuela, and 14 other heads of state will attend the inauguration on 1 December.

"It is shameful that Mexico receives a dictator, a tyrant, a murderer, a man who, in his country, persecutes his opponents, who will constantly violate human rights, does not respect freedoms. Maduro this is not welcome and in the BREAD we will let him know, "he said.

He added that it is unfortunate that "Andrés Manuel celebrates the visit of a harmful character of course to the world and not to Venezuelans".

At the same time, Fernando Rodríguez Doval, secretary general of Blanquiazul, said that the invitation addressed to the Venezuelan president was "a bad omen" for the foreign policy of the next government.

"It seems like a bad omen as to where the next government wants to lead foreign policy, it seems that their strategic allies in international affairs will be characters who are not attached to democracy or rights. of the man, such as Nicolás Maduro or, to a lesser extent, Evo Morales. "

Earlier, he declared that Mexico "reserves the right of admission" because it is "shameful for Mexico that this person be present at the Congress of the Union on December 1".

Juan Zepeda, vice-coordinator of the PRD in the Senate, for his part stated that the invitation to Maduro but once that is done, he can no longer be "disinvited".

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