PAN will assume its role of opposition to Congress, according to Zepeda


National PAN President, Damián Zepeda, indicated that his party will assume its role of "firm and constructive" opposition to the Congress of the Union.

He announced that at the time, "there will be a reflection" on the results, once the defense of the votes is over, with the intention that in a constructive spirit the priority is given to the preparation of its legislative program.

Zepeda Vidales announced that they will work for a government of results in the states where they will be responsible for the next years, in order to contribute to the Mexicans to live in dignity, in a country with opportunities and without violence, he noted.

"The Mexico with which everyone we dream if it is possible and the National Party d & rsquo; Action will continue its struggle to make it a reality. "

PAN national leader, recognized the presidential candidate of the coalition by M Mexico Street View, Ricardo Anaya Cortés saying that they feel "Proud" of the struggle that he gave to the "brutal attack" by the federal government, and to propose a vision.

He argued that the NAP's struggle to improve Mexico is going to be the only way to go. before, and today it focuses on the defense of the votes of the citizens who counted on them, in the various candidacies.
He added that the humanist values ​​and principles of The national action is the reference that will guide them in this new stage. "With our identity, we will go forward," he said.

"We will accompany our winning candidates and those who are in the last counts of indictment. PAN has been defeated since its founding to change Mexico and we will continue to do so. We have given everything and we thank our candidates and activists who fought with total commitment and dedication. "

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