Panista Diego Sinhue declares winner in Guanajuato


Guanajuato, Gto. A little less than an hour after the closing of the boxes, the candidate of the Front Por Guanajuato coalition (PAN-PRD-MC), Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, declared himself the winner of the race for the post Governor of Guanajuato.

37 years dictated a press conference in his country house, in the municipality of León.

In the company of the party leaders of the coalition, said "we are the clear winners".

"We are very happy because today the guanajuatenses have expressed themselves in the polls, according to the quick and public accounts of some polling stations because the consultation of Mitofsky gives us a wide margin (. ..) It's a clean day, it's an exemplary day, which took place in peace, with extraordinary citizen participation, with minor incidents. "

The campaign coordinator, Luis Felipe Bravo Mena, was also present.

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