Panists demand the resignation of Anaya and Zepeda


Santiago Creel, former coordinator in Ricardo Anaya's presidential campaign, said that he will not seek to return to party leadership, although he will remain close to his structure, according to Reforma.

"Ricardo is not going to come back as president of the PAN, it did not inform them before the results (of the July 1 election)." During the campaign, I had already the idea that the results did not favor him, being close to the game but no longer as a leader, "Creel told the newspaper.

Damián Zepeda, current leader of PAN, also said that Anaya had not he will resume the leadership of the PAN

"I was always careful, because I thought that it was It was his decision and his subject to say it, but the truth is that, before the elections, he always told the team, and me personally, that he had not done so. , that he was on the path of the candidate and that he was not going to return to the leadership, "said Zepeda.

By law, the party must renew its leadership in the second half of this year, that is, the change could be immediate or until December

Governors call for change

Seven governors and more than 30 PAN members, mainly MPs Federal, said that it was necessary to refound the PAN, and rejected this after losing the election, Ricardo Anaya returns to directing this game.

The PAN Governors' Association, composed of the presidents of Durango, Queretaro, Tamaulipas, Aguascalientes, Baja California Sur, Puebla and Quintana Roo, assured that the party needs a leader who has a dialogue with the different groups within the party

The governor of Durango, José Rosas Aispuro, warned in an interview with Reform that Anaya and Damián Zepeda, national president of PAN, have "L & 39" natural wear. "

" The healthy thing is to find someone who can add everyone, who can talk to everyone, "he said.

Rosas Aispuro acknowledged that the last pr The electoral process has deteriorated the PAN, and attributed the erosion to the formation of a coalition with the PRD and Movimiento Ciudadano.

"It was a process that left many people in the party out of the possibility of competing, especially in areas where the PAN.He also stated that the mandate of Damián Zepeda at the head of the party is a question which must be reviewed, and he failed to mention any name that could assume the chairmanship of the National Executive Committee (NEC).

"Anaya and Zepeda must resign now"

Through a letter, more than 30 PAN members from various states of the country, mostly deputies and former federal deputies, have expressed their rejection to the work of Anaya, Zepeda and his team.

In the letter , PAN members said that the day of Sunday, July 1, when 53% of voters voted for Lopez Obrador, meaning for PAN "the"

Therefore, members of the Blue and Whites in states such as Yucatan, Guanajuato, Mexico City, Tamaulipas, S Inaloa and Jalisco, among others, demanded that Anaya, Zepeda and their team "They must resign now, they have no collective legitimacy to continue leading the party."

"The Institutionality of the Party was broken because it was at the mercy of personal interests.The NAP must be re-founded with a new projection of its doctrinal principles and greater demands for ethical living and of internal democracy, "the activists expressed.

The 32 signatories demanded the immediate resignation of all members of PAN CEN appoint "urgent" an interim president and conduct a financial audit for fiscal year 2017 and up to now in 2018.

They also asked that a "plural commission of party members" be appointed to carry out an analysis that had the conformation of the coalition Frente por México, as well as the methods of internal election of all candidates in the process that has just ended and a balance on the performance of all PAN candidates to all popular election positions and future challenges.

"We ask the relevant rectifications of the party to arrive to contribute to all the fulfillment of its mission They concluded.

Here is the letter and the complete list of the NAPs that sign.

Anaya a asked leave as president of PAN presidential candidate to fight before (PAN-PRD-MC.) According to Reform, Anaya will not seek to fight again for the presidency of the party and will be dedicated to the academy [19659023] while Zepeda will leave the management to occupy the seat he got in the Senate.

Reform (subscription required).

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