Paola Rojas decides to talk about Zague in front of the cameras


After a video a few weeks ago in which the former footballer 'Zague & # 39; shows her private parts, Paola made a decision regarding the scandal caused by this situation.

The Mexican reporter had decided not to speak in front of the cameras about this, but the insistence of a communicator was such that Rojas decided to grant him the interview, in which he indicated clearly that he would never say anything against or against the scandal.

I have nothing to say, I will never say anything about it, never, no matter how many times you ask me, I will not say anything about it, "said the woman.

Likewise, she thanked the signs of affection for some of her followers, who were very respectful.

"A lot of people were very supportive, they loved, they were respectful, they were warm, I appreciate that and I still enjoy it. (…) Some of them took a few days to remember that I am a mother of a family and it is good that they already have it in mind. They were more samples of affection and respect, and with that I remain, "Paola expressed.

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