Paola Rojas finally says about the video of her husband Zague


Mexican journalist Paola Rojas has been in "the eye of the hurricane" since an intimate video of her husband Zague, where she was showing her sister member saying with dedication to another woman, was released. Since then, the outcry over the couple's relationship has been the target of criticism and harsh statements

And it seems that Paola was the most affected; the talented animator was victim of mockery, harassment and cyberbullying because of the hundreds of memes circulating on the network concerning the uncensored video of the ex-football player [19659004]. exposes his private parts become viral on social networks and was by the same means as Rojas, shared for several days his feelings.

However, at the insistence of a reporter from Telemundo, the Mexican decided to break the silence and speak for the last time on the controversial subject. He was energetic with his words

"I have nothing to say, I will never say anything, never, no matter how many times you ask me, I will not say anything about it."


Next, the reporter asks if he has a message for all the people who have supported him for the harassment he's undergoing.

"Many people have been very supportive, have been loving, have been respectful, have been warm, I appreciate that and I still keep it.Many solidarity and support have been very important (… ) It took me a few days to remember that I am a mother and that's good that you already have it in mind.There were more signs of affection and with respect, and with that I remain. "

In this note:

  • Controversy
  • Paola Rojas
  • Zague
  • Intimate Video

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