Paola Rojas responds to the famous host of the Zague scandal


After the scandal of the exfutbolista Zague by infiltrating into social networks and an intimate video, where he shows his roles, many media searched his wife , Paola Rojas to listen to his statements.

Read more: Paola Rojas finally declares the video of her husband Zague

Read more: Paola Rojas could wait Zague with bad news

But the conductor he had announced that he no longer wanted to be questioned about the number since he had already announced that he would never talk about it, that's why he asked to Gustavo Infante and Ana Maria Alvarado ] who does not send more cameras, that is why the latter replied to the journalist .

Regarding what @PaolaRojas says on the air, I specify that I am not part of the chart assignments, nor the headquarters of the information of any what @ImagenTVMex program than to send cameras to pursue it. Personally, I do not intend to harass her and I understand her grief.

In this article:

  • Discomfort
  • Zague
  • Paola Rojas
  • Ana Maria Alvarado

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