Paolo Medina is presented by Rayados as a reinforcement


The player was registered with the subsidiary Sub-20 of the Albiazules, with the possibility of being considered in the first team.

Monterrey –

Rayados already has another reinforcement of Europe. It is the Mexican Paolo Medina who was already enrolled in the subsidiary Sub-20 of the albiazules and who can also be taken into account in the first team of Monterrey and plays as a right winger.

The original of Orizaba, Veracruz, was part of the Basic Forces of Real Madrid during his training and even came wearing the captain's badge in several Categories, as was in Benfica B where he won the championship of the previous tournament.

Medina chose Rayados to continue his career, because he had family in Sultana del Norte and he always had a particular liking for the Cerro team de la Silla, in addition to considering the club as one of the largest institutions of Mexican football.

"At Rayados, they have worked to have great facilities, fields, costumes, are wonderful.I have seen a few stadiums like Rayados house, I am in a club that gives priority to players and it's That's why I'm here. "

" I was going to Mexico only if it was Rayados, football is that with the club, I'm where I want to be, happy to be here and be part of Rayados, "said Medina in an interview with the club's official networks.

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