Papa John's president and founder resigns for using a racist word in a conference


John Schnatter, founder of Papa John's pizza chain, resigned from his position as president of the company he had founded 34 years ago after disclosing that he had used a racist expression during a conference call

. The company's sales generated by his words forced him to publicly apologize and leave office . According to the announcement of Papa John's International, the company will elect a new president in the coming weeks.

Schnatter's resignation comes after Forbes magazine published that the former president of the company had used "the word with N" ( "nigger ") at a conference in May on communication problems with the laundry agency. This marketing and PR company sought to clean up Papa John's image and avoid the future PR crisis precisely because of the racial issue.

According to the Forbes publication, the conversation with the agency focused on the perception of racism in society. American and he was a dynamic role to strengthen the company's communication strategy.

On hearing the news, Schnatter publicly apologized for uttering such an expression but still the negative repercussions led to leaving the presidency of the board of directors of his company. "Racism does not have a place in our society," concludes Schnatter in his statement

but the Forbes article points to the fact that Papa John's founder has gone a little beyond # An expression, Laundry Service recalled how in their childhood in Indiana, they hanged black people from trucks and dragged them to the point where they die . Although this comment was supposed to be the rejection of such an atrocity, the source cited by Forbes points out that several people attending the conference were offended . After hearing these comments, the owner of the laundry service has canceled his contract with Papa John's.

The image problems of the company that the agency wanted to solve date back to November of last year, when Schnatter openly criticized the "weak direction" of the National Football League (NFL) before the initiative of several of its players to kneel during the national anthem as a form of protest for police brutality against the black community.


Criticism of Schnatter emphasized that & # 39; attitude & # 39; such a player has had a negative impact on the d levels & # 39; hearing from the NFL and, therefore, n sales of Papa Jonh's, whose pizzas are constantly being advertised during the games, as sponsors and promoters of the league.

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