Paquetería online shopping, keeps alive the Mexican postal service


By Paloma Wong

Chetumal.- The little more than 60,000 packages that arrive in Quintana Roo by mail, have generated that the post office and the Mexican post office have boom again.

Ignacio Díaz, Secretary General of the Union of Mexican Postal Workers of the State of Quintana Roo announced that the activities of the postal service have resurfaced after facing serious problems due to the reduction two years ago

. the purchase of Chinese products through digital platforms such as the wish, Ali Express, Amazon, Mercado Libre and among others, in addition to providing a service of social nature and with prices of more than 25% lower than D & C Other companies, which until today remains the leading company in terms of international parcel service.

He explained that a month send to Quintana Roo a little over 60 thousand packages to be in

"All that comes from China Post, these are the items that are ordered over the Internet by mail by the free market, there are many pages that offer their products and many people are acquiring them and we have an agreement with the Chinese mail where we are responsible because we have this confidence, "he said.

The general secretary of the union pointed out that thanks to the agreement with the Chinese Post, the number of tripled shipments has tripled. It represents 10 tons of postal material thanks to electronic purchases made via digital platforms.

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