Parents stop the demolition



The parents of the school Enrique Rebsamen and the inhabitants of the neighborhood Oriente Coapa in Tlalpan managed to postpone the demolition of the collapsed area of ​​the building, which collapsed during the quake of 19 September

After being informed by the Attorney General's Office (PGJ) that the school's administrative building would be demolished yesterday, the parents decided to mount a guardian, from the previous night, to avoid the act because they claimed that the authorities can not demolish basic evidence to determine the causes of the collapse and those responsible for it.

In the morning, Tlalpan prosecutor Alicia Rosas Rubí held a dialogue with the parents to explain the reasons and the procedure. continue for the demolition, to later give way to the use of the voice to the structuralist expert Máximo César Romero, who said that "from a technical point of view of co, you need to demolish this property because it is in danger and endangers the annex, in particular, housing ", and stated that you can not immediately start the demolition, so you must first make a mapping that ensures the demolition according to the regulations.

The technical arguments offered by the prosecutor and the expert were accepted by the parents and neighbors; However, they requested the presence of the head of government, "given the lack of investigative capacity on the part of the prosecutor's office in Tlalpan."

Mónica Ortega, mother of one of the girls who died at school, said: important that the property continues here, because we need to make an opinion on our part and the CNDH. "

Faced with pressure from parents, the prosecutor Rosas said that the demolition was not led by the prosecutor's office, but rather they recommended the structuralist technicians and civil protection" in relation to the problems that the contiguous neighbors have. "

When asked if the demolition was suspended, he said," We will talk. It is postponed ", which is why he undertook to reactivate the round tables of dialogue.

Later, the public prosecutor, Edmundo Garrido, and the deputy prosecutor of Desconcentradas Previa, Guillermo Terán, met in camera with the affected persons

Some work will have to be done for the common good and the interest of the neighboring building, but the necessary precautions will be taken so that the evidence is duly obtained and judged as they do. were, "said Francisco Riquelme, In addition, he informed that the authority undertook not to change the expert evidence and the judicial proceedings will continue, by which he argued that he they will not have any opposition at the beginning of the demolition work, but only in the area they indicated and that represents about 10% of the collapsed area and mentioned that the date on which they go like At the end of the meeting, the parties met with the neighbors, with whom they agreed to an extension of eight working days to settle the case of the demolition.

Mario Barrios, neighbor of Tamboreo number 21, building next to the school, said that, for the first time, they met relatives with whom they showed solidarity before the imminent demolition , despite the assignments that suffer and warned that the investigation was delayed because the owner of the property evaded the law

There was no legal action of which they claim and it is very valuable, it does not remain unpunished, "he said.

… also the owner stopped the process

The Federal Judicial Branch decided to freeze the demolition of the School of Rebsamen after the owner, Mónica García Villegas, had lodged a lawsuit. ; amparo.

A federal judge

The social representation must take appropriate measures so that no authority does the demolition, "says the document.

with the data contained in the record, the judicial benefit will be extended until July 12, date of the holding of the incidental hearing of the instance of amparo

. Last May, a federal judge admitted a class action brought by the parents. of the school, in which compensation is claimed for the death of students from the earthquake.

The proceedings, presented since April 24, have already been analyzed. Judge Felipe Consuelo, who summoned the authorities of the Government of the capital, the delegation of Tlalpan, the Ministry of Public Education as well as the owner of the institution, to express what is in their interest.

Currently, Mónica García Villegas is being sought in more than 190 countries, after which Interpol published a red file to stop it in December 2017.

-Juan Pablo Reyes

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