Paris Hilton visits victims of Xochimilco on 19-S (PHOTOS and VIDEO)


November 12, 2018

The Socialist went to San Gregorio, Xochimilco, where he visited the houses that he had helped to build with his funds, intended for the victims of the earthquake of September 19, 2017.

Twitter: @QuadratinMexico

This Monday, around 16 hours, Paris Hilton arrived in a property located between greenhouses and canals where about twenty people were waiting, mainly children, teenagers and mothers wishing to meet her.

In addition, the model arrived accompanied by more than 10 people; They walked on bridges and planted to meet their beneficiaries, where they advanced to a pair of wooden buildings that now house two families, according to Milenio.

"Hello, how are you?", Health in Spanish, then I charged a little and gave him a watch. He also took pictures with the people who came to him, in order to know inside the houses.

In addition, instead delivered various decorative cushions that the miners received; curious people were watching from afar, who were recording with their mobile phone at the moment.

I also give biscuits, sweets and water to children who play football and run in the country; Paris Hilton platic with families with the help of their translator.

Although you have visited only some houses, there are seven in total that could be built with your gift. Each has an approximate cost of 50,000 pesos, they are environmentally friendly and have solar panels because there are no water or water services in the area.

It is worth mentioning that Hilton is committed to continuing to improve these homes and to follow up with families to respond to their requests. since the delivery was in kind and people have built the houses themselves.

I feel honored to know parents who are doing everything for the well-being of their children.

With information from Milenio

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