Paris Jackson confirms that she is bisexual


LOS ÁNGELES, United States. Model and aspiring actress Paris Jackson (20 years old), daughter of pop king Michael Jackson, had no qualms about submitting to the incisive questions of his Instagram followers in a new session of his questionnaire Ask Me Anything (Ask me what you want), leaving endless flashy titles in relation to his sexual orientation and his love life.

El Espectador's information, one of the most personal and direct questions that the young woman had to address during the interview, was undoubtedly the one related to her sexuality, as surfer posed without subtlety: "Are you bisexual?" The artist's response was equally explicit and, at the same time, she showed her critical view on the "labels" existing in this section.

"That's what you call it, so I guess. Tags, "he said.

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Given the naturalness with which he was talking about such an intimate subject, some users took advantage of the situation to try to shed light on this hypothesis that he would entertain with the actress and model Cara Delevingne perhaps without realizing that Paris Jackson is much more cautious and reserved than they had imagined.

"This is not your business," she replied quickly.

But the price for the most surreal – and perhaps rude – question that Michael Jackson's daughter had to receive throughout the session went to a user who, without thinking too much, wanted that his father is still alive nine years after his death

"Pourquo Do you still have questions about this guy? e things? ", answered clearly annoyed at such daring.

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