Passing an annual eye exam can prevent blindness –


An annual vision check can prevent serious future problems such as cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration and glaucoma.

Virgilio Lima Gómez, chief of the Ophthalmology Department of the Juárez Hospital in Mexico (HJM), advised the population to seek specialized care when the vision does not improve with the Use of lenses.

He said that there are certain types of conditions that allow a reasonably clear vision, although there is already a problem in the inner part of the eyepiece

As there is has no symptoms, it is important to go to the specialist at least once a year to detect a possible irregularity or treat it properly before the person loses his visual ability.

that vision diseases are diagnosed more frequently in people aged 40 and over.

It is estimated that in 2050, about 50 million people will suffer from xicans cataracts, the most common cause of reversible blindness.

Age-related macular degeneration is caused by the accumulation of substances in the area of ​​the eye called macula that, over time, becomes a layer. rigid which can be easily cracked.

Another condition is glaucoma, which causes irreversible vision loss, but its progression can be stopped with timely attention, says the specialist.

There are elderly patients, mainly, who stumble easily as a result of this problem, or who have difficulty climbing stairs. His field of vision is reduced, "says Lima Gómez.

While diabetic retinopathy is the most common cause of vision loss at a productive age, a diabetic patient may have advanced disease and not have a problem. discomfort, but suddenly he could lose vision.


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