Pati Chapoy obliges Bisogno to excuse "live"


Pati Chapoy put "in its place" for Daniel Bisogno, During the live broadcast last Thursday, after saying "how boring it is"to make an offering for the The day of the Dead. This requires him to ask apology

In addition, with his style, Daniel Bisogno asked permission to make an announcement, but Pati said:

Ask permission to Almita (referring to the production company), and apologies, "to whom immediately the driver asked why?" And it turns out that, in court, jokingly, Daniel said: "I wish his mother would die soon. "

According to reports from various news portals, at Pati's request, Daniel had only to apologize:

Almita of my heart, my love I come home (…) Almita my dear, ma'am I love her so much, her daughter is a saint, nothing that walks in a boyfriend ", to which Pati has insisted that it be done, threatened to throw him a peanut.

This situation pushed the owner of "Ventaneando" to get up to give him the peanut in his mouth. all as long as he was silent.

In this note:

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