Paty Cantú reveals for the first time the illness she suffers | PICTURES Trade | Television | Farándula


Paty Cantu, the interpreter of "Miento" and "Valiente" confessed for the first time the terrible disease she suffers, during an interview in the program "Net Divine".

The singer Paty Cantu He alarmed his fans when he announced that he was suffering from hypothyroidism: "I had symptoms that I did not know, for two or three years, of hypothyroidismit does not sound like the most serious thing in the world, but it has ugly symptoms, like fatigue, depression, you do not produce anything, the thyroid controls everything. "

Unfortunately, the health of Paty Cantu It's not going as well as his artistic career; However, he is doing everything possible to improve himself.

The singer focused on her album to maintain the good mood: "My happiness was out of conviction, it was because I recorded my record, because I wanted to be in good health, because I did not want my team, that people with whom I wanted to see me tired face and who helped me to go ahead. "

Similarly Patty Cantu She confessed that she had passed several medical examinations to finally diagnose her.

It should be noted that the hypothyroidism This disease is based on the low production of thyroid hormones, which means that the body does not function normally and that the rhythm of its activities is affected.

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