Paul Rudd wants to make films with hope


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Many remember the actor Paul Rudd for romantic movies and comedy, but now that he puts himself in the shoes of a superhero like Ant-Man, he wants to convey a message of peace and hope. Accompanied by director Peyton Reed, he says that the importance of bringing these stories to film and television is to encourage people. "19659002" Having hope is crucial. I want every film or show to have hope. I want to feel encouraged, connect with these characters and be able to notice something that makes me feel good. It does not always happen and I think it was something important for us in this movie. "

Reed, who directed Rudd in this second part of Ant-Man and Wasp, to be premiered in Mexico on Thursday, adds that his protagonist is a person with whom many people can easily s & # 39;

"This movie does not just talk about superheroes, Scott Lang is not a super scientist or a billionaire, he's a normal man who makes bad decisions. friends who have been with him, he is trying to be a good father for his daughter and his small actions of heroism are things that many of us can relate to. "

The director points out that in this new version they have sought to offer a range of they will be surprising to the viewer, although many of them have proved difficult (like those where, in addition to shrinking the people, they also do it with automobiles.) The result, he assures, will be enjoyed by the fans, as much as for him.

"I've been a big fan ever since and I've Always loved his sci-fi movies and when he came to me the opportunity to make the first delivery Ant-Man was ecstatic. Seeing the world through these characters and telling more stories about them is something that I love. "

He explains that as a director, he is surrounded by the best actors in Hollywood in terms of actors and special effects, and has access to everything. is incredible for him.

Identification. Rudd admits that playing again with this superhero allowed him to create a new relationship with a younger generation that even helped him to create a new one with his children.

"I am a father, I have two children and I think Scott's dilemma (his character) in this film is how he can be a superhero and at the same time a responsible father, because that these two things do not mix easily. I guess I asked myself the same thing in real life because it's not that I'm a superhero but this job requires, for example, to travel several times and not to participate in their games. their competitions, it is hard. So, I always try to engineer this kind of career and at the same time be a father who is there for them. "

The actor points out that Ant-Man has been very important in his career and that he has had a greater impact on his own life.

" He was certainly the greatest character that I played and one of the most visible. It's also the first film I make that kids could see and it was a lot of fun, "he says

. The protagonist of this new film Marvel points out that despite the comparisons, he expects the box office to be so good "As we have our own corner in the film universe of Marvel, with his own personality he is still one of them and has a close relationship with other films like Avengers: Infinity War. "

The actor in other films like How do you know and I love you, man, pointing out that one of his biggest concerns was to create the identity of ants man. connection we did our thing and I guess we will raise 10 times more than what any other film in the world of Marvel has raised, "says Rudd in a clear joke tone.

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