Although she was not the first company to take the initiative, Nintendo has made classic consoles fashionable with the launch of the NES Classic Edition and the Super NES Classic Edition. Sony has been one of the last to join the PlayStation Classic, which will soon be available in different parts of the world. We recently learned that the console uses a popular open source emulator.

On PC, it was not necessary to launch a similar product, it is very easy to enjoy any classic computer game. Currently, there are many emulators to achieve this goal. Despite the above, the company Unit-E works on a console that It will include several MS-DOS games to savor directly on television.

It is about Classic PC, a console that will start his crowdfunding campaign in the coming weeks. If all goes as planned, the product should be available in the spring of next year. According to officials, the goal is that the price does not exceed $ 99. As you can see in the video below, the design of the PC Classic is inspired by the computers of that time, without neglecting the distinct yellowish color obtained over time.

Regarding the games that accompany the console, Unit-E promises that the PC Classic will include 30 MS-DOS games launched between the 80s and 90s, however, have not yet revealed the complete list. In the video presentation, we can see titles like Doom, Commander Keen and Jill of the jungle. It is unclear if all will be included in the final version.

The classic PC counts with HDMI port and A / V input to be able to connect it to old screens. It will support commands, keyboard and mouse, which can be connected via two USB ports. It is important to note that the games will be stored on an SD card, so do not doubt that this list of titles could be expanded in one way or another.

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