Pedro Infante's Fantico asks AMLO to recognize the true death of the interpreter


July 28, 2018

He assures that he died five years ago and not in 1957.

Screenshot of video screen In Punto

Since Andrs Manuel López Obrador won the elections on July 1, hundreds of people gathered in the vicinity of his transition house in Colonia Roma to make all kinds of requests.

However, I noticed that a street fan of fire Pedro Infante came to ask him to recognize the real death of the actor of the Golden Age of Mexican cinema, which would have occurred five years ago and not in 1957.

"I came to ask the lawyer Andrés Manuel Lpez Obrador to help us recognize Pedro Infante, since he n & # 39; 39, was not dead in the plane in 1957 as we have been led to believe, he died 5 years ago in Delicias, Chihuahua, Ah is buried, "said Jos Refugio in an interview for the news show "In Punto".

The urban artist, who sang last Friday until three o'clock in the afternoon, said that he was referring to the character known as "Antonio Pedro ", died five years ago in Chihuahua, called the" real "Pedro.

"No need for money, nothing more requires a little intention, put 2-3 commissioners, exhume the body of Pedrito who is in Delicias, Chihuahua, check the DNA with the Infante family and recognize him, "concludes the sinaloense fan of the singer.

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