Peláez promises short-term results


The opening of 2018 may not be the most effective, but the high command of Cruz Azul promises changes and short-term results. "It seems that when there are changes, everything is wrong, but no, there are many good things to save in this team, today we are fourth in the number of titles (8) and in a few years we will have to be the first … and we will be, "said sports director Ricardo Peláez at the presentation of the new uniform that will wear blue (local), white (visitor) and a combination of red shirt and blue shorts (third uniform).

The manager, recently arrived at the celestial ship, also stressed the qualities that surround the institution. "We have a wonderful and demanding hobby and that's good, because it will keep us enthusiastic, it's also support." In 15 days, a competitive team has been formed, without a call from anyone, 10 hires made by the licensee [Guillermo Álvarez] his waiter and the technician [Pedro Caixinha]. "

For its part, Billy Álvarez spoke positively of the changes. "Expectations are wide because of the change of ownership, from the Azul stadium to the Azteca stadium, to stay alive that yearns for illusion." While the technician was brief when he urged "identity and unity". Words that will be based on this season. There comes the Machine and this story will continue to be written together. "

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